The brave man tries catching a shark
Ian Atherton travelled from Lancashire to Florida and had hoped to hook a shark, but his adventure on a boat in the Atlantic ended up with him catching a much…
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There’s a rare yellow penguin on South Georgia island, and biologists can’t quite explain it
(Image credit: Kennedy News and Media/Yves Adams) Black-and-white tuxedos may be the conventional dress code in the penguin world, but one dashing individual is breaking the status quo with an…
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A series of trees with amusing shapes that make people blush or burst into laughter
Mother Nature sometimes likes to play around, and there are consequences. When growing straight becomes too dull, why not try a little innovation? The shape of this tree reminds many…
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The Remarkable Tree of Tule: A 2,000 Year-Old Living Wonder in Oaxaca, Mexico
If you’re planning a trip to Mexico and looking for something truly unique to see, make sure to add the Tree of Tule to your itinerary. Located in the quaint…
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Why You Shouldn’t Dump Your Pets: The recently caught record-breaking giant goldfish weighs up to 110 Pound
A record-breaking goldfish has been caught in Champagne, France, where an angler dragged a 110 Pound specimen on shore. This puny specimen was half the weight of record-breaker just caught in…
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Kandovan Village; an ancient cave-settlement which has been occupied for at least 700 years
Kandovan is an extraordinary ancient village in the province of East Azarbaijan, near the city of Tabriz, Iran. With its at least 800 years existence, this remarkable place is inhabited…
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20-Hour-Long Rescue Mission Saves Life Of Stranded Whale Weighing 10 Tons
After a 20-hour rescue mission, a 65-foot whale that washed up on a beach in China was finally towed back into the water. Recently, a massive whale became stranded in Ningbo…
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Unique white apple variety with great uses grows on top of a mountain in Australia
If уoᴜ агe ɩookіпɡ foг а ᴜпіqᴜe апd ᴜѕefᴜɩ рɩапt to аdd to уoᴜг ɡагdeп, уoᴜ mау wапt to сoпѕіdeг tһe ѕmаɩɩ Ьᴜѕһу wһіte аррɩe tгee, ѕсіeпtіfісаɩɩу kпowп аѕ Տуzуɡіᴜm…
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An intimate encounter with Migaloo – the only white humpback whale in the world
Mother Nature is perfect is so many ways, and the rarest its beautiful creation are, the more fascinating it becomes. It’s also the case of this extremely rare white humpback…
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So Adorable! The Artist cleverly transforms foliage into sleeping baby birds
Jardin des Plantes, one of the ten main parks, is located in Nantes, France. It’s a seven-hectare botanical garden with approximately 10,000 different species and 5,000 different flowers. Besides enormous…
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