20 Reasons Why The World Has All Eyes On Dua Lipa – Wowi News

From her amazing sense of fashion to her ability to wow everyone who comes in contact with her, she’s certainly a force to be reckoned with

Dua Lipa, is a growing name in the pop world. The 22-year-old started singing from a very young age. She first appeared in 2015, and is known to be a British pop star. Her quick rise to fame attracts the attention of people all over the world. With her first album came massive fame and success, it’s no wonder she’s one of the hottest new singers out right now. She doesn’t show any signs of stopping soon either. She dominates her industry and brings her own unique sense of empowerment to her work.

From her amazing sense of fashion to her ability to wow everyone who comes in contact with her, she’s certainly a force to be reckoned with. Her unique voice easily draws in a crowd. To be so young she seems to really have it all together too, in terms of her music career. Even though she is now in the spotlight she remains a humble spirit. That’s definitely something that’s rare to come across in the industry.

Some of her music includes songs such as, New Rules, One Kiss and Scared To Be Lonely. Like most artists her age, her music is about romance, heart break and drama, with a little bit of sass. She is able to express her raw emotions through her music which is why she’s such a hit. Dua has a certain charisma, and charm about her. Her strength comes out through her music and fans are loving it! Here are 20 reasons why everyone loves her.

20. She Actually Began Her Career On YouTube
Few artists have gained international fame via Youtube. Dua started out singing on her YouTube channel just to get her voice heard. She would sing covers of some of her favorite artists such as, The Weekend, Alessia Cara, Justin Bieber and even Etta James.

Of course she was a YouTube success, and she gained quite a following during her time recording videos. Many teenagers go to YouTube with hopes to become famous, or go viral for a new trend. This just shows that Dua is just like any other teen.

19Chris Martin Was In The Studio With Her
One of the moments Dua started to realize how big she was becoming was a day when she was recording a track and the Coldplay member came in to give her a listen. Anyone would be surprised, freaked out and amazed to see a celebrity in the studio just to hear them sing. Dua kept her cool and went to work on her next song.

Collaborating with a member from Coldplay was a huge deal for an upcoming teenage pop sensation. The song titled, Homesick, is the record that Chris Martin appeared on.

Dua and Chris both wrote the song which went on to be a successful track. This was a huge step for her career. She was finally living in the moment she had been waiting for all her life. Collaborating with Chris enabled her to get more recognition and notoriety. With that song, the industry knew she would be here to stay.

18A Collaboration With Miguel And Sean Paul
Miguel is an R&B singer who has written several albums, and tracks. Sean Paul is a successful Jamaican rapper. These collaborations opened up a whole new world for Dua. Previously she had been singing in the Pop genre. Broadening her horizons would prove to add to her fame and success. Both collaborations would also come with amazing music videos.

Rap and Hip Hop are huge genres in the music industry. Now fans had a new type of song from Dua to listen to. She also gained more fans and listeners when the tracks came out. The song she collaborated with Sean Paul is called, No Lie. It has a reggae, and party sort of feel to it. The song which she collaborated with Miguel is called, Lost In Your Light. Anyone who has heard this song knows that it draws you in. There’s a certain allure to it. It is definitely a song to dance and jam to. It has 4.2 million views on YouTube.

17Dua Was Born A Hustler
Success did not come easy for Dua. It took hard work, dedication and loads of confidence to get where she is today. Even though she always loved to sing she had to stay persistent to get the attention of others. At 15 years old she decided to tell her parents that she needed to return to London. They had moved from the city to reside in Kosovo, which did not have the theatre schooling she desired.

Even though she was away from her parents and on her own she stayed focused on her music. There aren’t many fifteen year olds who leave home and end up making it big time.

She was literally on a mission to make her dreams come true. Plus, living away from home had its perks. She was able to mature quicker than most. This experience totally plays in to her success and dedication today. Living alone taught her to persevere through any circumstance. It would be another 3 years until she officially signed a record deal.

16She Always Wanted To Be A Singer
She did not automatically believe her dream would come true but ultimately it did. All through her childhood she adored singing and listening to music. How many kids know what they want to do from such a young age and actually go through with it?

At only 9 years old she found herself singing and practicing her music with 14 and 15 year olds.

Modeling was something she did on the side of pursuing her singing career. Dua made sure she always kept her eyes on what she wanted to do, and never lost confidence that she was capable of doing it.

15Her Fashion Sense Is Banging
Okay, so not only is she a pop star, but have you noticed how well she dresses? Her style says and embodies what it is to be a powerful and fearless woman. Dua completely owns the whole blue eye shadow thing. She loves to pamper her eyes with eye liners, mascara and a blue sparkly eye shadows to top it all off. Dua gives off this super star vibe.

In some of her music videos she can be seen in combat boots and attire that displays a “tough girl” look.

When out walking in the street, you might catch her in Adidas sweats, like any normal young adult. She isn’t too flashy with her style, which lets us know she is really down to earth.

Even though she is not a super flashy person, you will still see her rocking Chanel and Marc Jacobs accessories. When it comes down to it, the accessories are the most important part anyway right?

14She Is On The Cover Of Teen Vogue
The Teen Vogue magazine is a well known magazine, that has had stars like Kylie Jenner, Nicki Minaj, Emma Roberts, Shay Mitchell and many more on their covers. Teen Vogue helps to get celebrities more attention and attraction. The magazine has a huge audience so being on the cover, or even featured in the magazine is a pretty big deal.

Dua Lipa appeared on the cover for the November 2016 issue. If you recall, 2016 was the year that she was just getting started big time in her industry. This publicity certainly helped her to obtain more status and really get her name out there.

On the cover she is seen wearing a golden shimmery top, with a white skirt and orange eye shadow to go along with it. She was dressed really nice for this cover since she was not revealing too much skin at all. Dua really knows when to show skin and when not to.

13In Her Early Years She Jammed To 1, 2 Step
Who remembers the early 2000’s hit with Ciara and Missy Elliot? The single was a hip-hop song that was great to dance to. It gave off this “cool kid” vibe and attracted millions of listeners all over the world. The song was released in 2004 with an awesome video to go with it.

Apparently Dua was one of those listeners. She recalls dancing to the song in her room and singing along to the tunes. This really makes her seem more human and less celebrity. Everyone wants to relate to celebrities and understand their lives. Dua was not that much different than other kids her age. Dua also recalls growing up listening to Destiny’s Child, and Britney Spears. Her taste in music during her younger days helped inspire her to be the woman she is today.

12One Of Her Songs Was Streamed 1 Billion Times
There aren’t many stars who get their music streamed 1 billion times. New Rules was the popular song that everyone, all over the world, wanted to listen to. The lyrics show the story of a girl who is in love with a guy who doesn’t love her back. She’s encouraging herself to let the phone ring when he calls, and to basically never let him have a part in her life again. This is one of those songs people sing after a bad break with a bad guy. The lyrics encourage listeners to be empowered by loving themselves and not accepting less than they deserve.

In the music video Dua starts out in her bedroom with a group of girls. As she sings the lyrics, she’s reminding all of the girls of the new rules that are set in place. They dance, and prace around until it’s time to go out to the pool area. Now that they’re out of the room they’re ready, to be independent, strong and empowered. With all of the women’s movements going on, it’s no wonder this video obtained so many views.

11She Really Knows Her Stuff When It Comes To Music
Dua is one of those singers who knows what they’re doing. She knows the kind of music she wants to sing, how she wants to be portrayed, and how to attract an audience. She’s completely in tuned with the music industry and her fan base.

Dua knows that as a 22-year-old woman, she needs to sing certain songs and have a certain rhythm to make it big. Being a fan of pop music her whole life definitely helps her understand the music she should put out.

Dua is able to look at what’s going on in the world and cater to her fans. When listening to her songs she uses unique beats and rhythms that go perfectly with her voice. Some of her songs almost sound sort of Techno, but still Pop. On top of knowing how to make hits her voice is amazing to say the least. Her deep sound is so unique for Pop artists of today.

10When She Was 15 She Was Focused On Music
At 15, most kids want to hang out with friends, or go to parties and date. Not Dua. Dua was completely focused on bringing her dreams to life. At only 15-years-old, she was already trying to make her name known to the world. Dua knew the way to accomplish her dreams would be hard work and dedication. She really did not let anything or anyone distract her. This is amazing to see from someone so young because she has this burning passion for what she does.

It interests everyone to see someone so focused, especially at a young age. Dua also kept herself innocent and wholesome. She didn’t do crazy stunts or acts of attention, to bring fame to her in an unwanted way. Her persistence in music was something that formed over a long period of time. Dua was not an over night sensation, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t willing to accomplish her goals by any means necessary.

9.18 Years Old And A Record Deal
After 3 years of writing, and singing covers on YouTube, Dua was finally going to get the break that she wanted her whole life. The year was 2015, when she signed her first record deal with Warner Brothers Records. They’re a huge record company with a crazy global reach.

At just 18-years-old she was about to enter the deal of a lifetime, with a reliable popular label.

At the time Dua was not aware of how big her deal was. In the coming months and years she would realize how big her name was becoming. She paved her way into Pop stardom, with the helps of very successful others along the way. A few of her first songs on the label, were New Love and Thinking ‘Bout You. Both songs have a video on YouTube and were released in 2017. They fit in with her other songs since the lyrics are about being in love and how this makes her feel.

8She Looks Amazingly Beautiful
Dua is a 5 foot 8 inches tall brunette with amazing features. Pretty tall for the average girl. Her captivating smile and long hair can always wow a crowd. She is usually seen wearing a lighter colored lip gloss or lip stick which brings brightness to her face. Dua loves her keeping her eye brows full or thick, as well. It’s always good to see a natural girl with loads of confidence. She shows us that you can be your authentic self and still be super beautiful.

With younger teenage girls looking up to her, this is a beautiful thing. Her self love fits in with her personality and values too. She’s never seen being too over the top, or having an off day. She balances everything out just right, to portray an authentic yet wonderful look.

7.5 Of Her Songs Appeared On The Billboard Hot 100
Her songs titled, New Rules, IDGAF, One Kiss, Blow Your Mind and Scared To Be Lonely have all been on the list. In 2016 Blow Your Mind, was the first of her songs to make it to this list. It was a huge hit and ranked in at number 72, which really isn’t bad for a new artist who is making her way. The following year, Scared To Be Lonely, appeared on the list as well. This song came in as number 76.

This year, 2018 would be the year that three of her songs earned their way to the Billboards’ list. New Rules, made its way earlier this year in February at the number 6th spot. Just this month, in April, IDGAF and One Kiss, came in to the 54th, and 67th spots. Two in one month and 3 in one year is pretty good. It looks like she’s only going up from here.

6She’s Fearless And Confident
Dua shows her strength and confidence in everything she does. Whether it’s recording her music, writing her music or just doing interviews. People have a lot to learn from the upcoming 22-year-old.

She finds the perfect balance in life between her career and just being herself. She is always making sure to be true to herself.

Her music, in particular is where you find all of her strength being imposed through her lyrics as well as her videos. In her music video for Lost In Your Light, she’s seen floating from the ground where she was standing to the top of a building. Her music sends an inspiring message to young girls all over who need a strong woman as a role model. Even when she sings about topics that are more vulnerable, she never lets strength leave her presence.

5Her Only Competition Is Herself
Ever since she was a young girl she has been in constant competition with the person she was yesterday. She wishes to do better everyday. From writing music to making music videos and her own live performances. In her mind, she is her only real competition which ensures as time goes on she’ll keep perfecting her craft.

Dua knows there’s always more to learn and always room to improve. She wants to be the best version of herself in everything she does. She has mentioned in interviews that she ‘feels like she’s more competition with herself.’ Dua has always had a competitive side but she doesn’t want to use that towards other artists. Celebrities are known for having different feuds and issues, but Dua simply wants to out-do the person she was yesterday. This is something we can all respect about her.

4Female Empowerment Is Her Anthem
Dua is never caught showing an ounce of weakness. Each and every one of her songs give off a female empowerment lesson. In her music she is never fawning over some guy, making herself look desperate. Dua likes to stay in control, she loves being an independent and powerful woman. She wants to encourage other females to be like this too.

Her lyrics inspire thousands of girls all over the world, with her strong voice and uncanny ability to dominate.

Dua is the type of girl who guys look at in awe, while knowing not to get on her bad side. Women everywhere need her music to help inspire, and guide them to be themselves, and never take no for an answer. Her female empowerment is in everything she does, not just her music. From her fashion choices, to the way she handles herself in everyday life. She keeps it all together, and holds on to her power as a woman.

3Her Live Performances Make Her Look Like A Pro
Watching Dua perform is like seeing someone who has been a pop star for years. Dua completely owns the stage, especially in her live performance of New Rules, at the Brit Awards. She brings over 20 female dancers on stage with her to perform her new hit. Dua dances and walks around the stage while singing the song, even adding in her own choreography.

There isn’t a spot on the stage that Dua doesn’t get to, which shows her ability to sing and dance while performing. She makes sure her stage presence is on point so that her fans can see her awesome abilities. She’s had other performances on tour and on the BBC Radio show in February of this year. The song she chose to perform was, IDGAF. This song is a little bit more low key than others, so fans can really hear how amazing her voice is.

2She Won British Female Solo Artist In Britain
February of this year was when she won the award for Best Female Solo Artist 2018. Dua is on the rise and nothing can stop her. Winning this award gave her more recognition in the music industry. Now people know she is here to stay and is making a pretty big impact. This is such a huge reward because it is the American equivalent of winning a Grammy. That’s awesome for anyone period, but to be just coming out and already having a successful year on top of it, makes it even better.

Her music is on the hottest radio stations in the U.K. so more people are getting to hear her music. Winning this award ensures that everyone will turn heads when hearing her name or listening to her songs. In her speech after winning the award she sent a special thanks to every woman who had paved the way for her. That night, she actually broke a record for being the 1st female in British history to be nominated for 5 awards at a time.

1Dua Takes Pride In Writing Her Own Music
Being the independent woman she is, it’s no surprise that she wants to write her own music. Through her career, when talking with management and other artists, she’s always spoke up about wanting to write her own music. Dua won’t sing a song that isn’t at least co-written by her.

She wants to be in control of what she says and the message she sends to the audience. It wouldn’t be right to her to have to perform a song just because someone else’s wants her to.

This is how Dua stays true to her original self. The rising pop star has been writing music for years, and is pretty good at it, so why stop now? It’s awesome that Dua already knows what can happen when someone else writes the music for you. As a singer, she needs to maintain control of her own music, and that’s exactly what she plans to do.

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